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LabNaturals Blog

June 4, 2024


Ascorbyl Palmitate is an ester derived from ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and palmitic acid. Palmitic acid is the most ubiquitous saturated fatty acid found in living organisms, and binding it to ascorbic…

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February 13, 2024

Topical Vitamin C

Overexposure to ultraviolet radiation and environmental pollutants can accelerate skin aging by degrading collagen and triggering oxidative stress in the skin. Fortunately, the anti-aging benefits of…

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December 26, 2023


The amount of collagen in the skin tends to decline with age, an ongoing process that is accelerated by a number of factors like sunlight, smoking, free radicals, and inflammation. As the synthesis o…

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December 12, 2023

Seasonal SKINcare - The Four Seasons

Check out this article we found by Katherine Ponder from Beautiful You magazine on skin care for every season. No matter how busy your lifestyle, you should always take time to nurture your skin. Use…

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October 10, 2023

Human-Identical Hormones for the Skin

ESTROGENS (ESTRADIOL AND ESTRIOL) Estrogen’s skin-enhancing effects are well known. It stimulates collagen production and a moisture factor known as hyaluronic acid. Aging decreases both estrog…

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February 28, 2023

What is Rosacea?

What is Rosacea and why does it need a month of awareness... no other inflammatory skin disorder like acne, psoriasis, eczema has an awareness month? Rosacea is a genetic-based inflammatory skin disor…

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February 14, 2023

Skin Aging…Inevitability or Preventable?

Remember that everything you put on the skin eventually ends up in the body! One of the most important skin care goals is improving the health and thus the appearance of the skin. This is done by imp…

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September 26, 2022

Your Skin and Inflammation

Your skin is the outward expression of your body’s health and is the body’s largest organ. Stress can ruin your skin and it shows through skin conditions like acne, inflammation, and more!…

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February 11, 2022

Collagen, Hormones, and Skin

One of the most common signs associated with advancing age is wrinkling, thinning, and sagging of the skin. Several different internal and external processes can contribute to these signs. Winter cold…

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February 8, 2022

Selenium and Skin Health

Check out this article we found from Designs for Health, titled "Selenium - The Secret Weapon for Skin Health"! It has often been said that the eyes are the windows into the soul. The skin also has th…

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February 5, 2022

Your Best and Worst Sunscreen Choices

Your safest and best choice for sunscreen protection is zinc oxide. Avoid nano versions however, to circumvent potential toxicity. Unfortunately, it can be challenging to find a product without other…

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February 1, 2022

15 Reasons Why the Sun is Good For You

Most of us start smiling when the summer comes and it's no surprise - a little sunshine every day can boost your mood and also help to prevent a host of serious illnesses. For years we have been told…

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January 31, 2022

Skin Aging… Inevitability or Preventable?

Remember that everything you put on the skin eventually ends up in the body! One of the most important skin care goals is improving the health and thus the appearance of the skin. This is done by impr…

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January 30, 2022

The Right Foods for Healthy Skin

Check out this article we found on Mercola.com on recommended foods to achieve healthy skin! When it comes to your skin, beauty is more than skin-deep. What you eat has a lot to do with the appearance…

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January 28, 2022

UV Radiation Goes More than Skin Deep

Dear Friends, As the summer months approach, it’s time to stock up on sunscreen to protect our skin from the sizzling summer sun. While trying to protect your skin from UV radiation, you could u…

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January 26, 2022

Tips for Treating Sunburn Naturally

Regular sun exposure is important to keeping you and your skin healthy. In addition to the importance of vitamin D that sunlight provides, other benefits include mood enhancement, melatonin regulation…

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December 1, 2021


Retinoids are one of the most widely researched ingredients for caring for maturing skin. Given this, it’s no surprise that this class of vitamin A derivatives is often touted as the gold standa…

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September 25, 2019

Saving Lives by Treating Acne with Diet

Acne is an epidemic skin disease of industrialized countries, reaching prevalence rates of over 85% of teenagers. In the [U.S.], acne nowadays persists [even] after adolescence into the third decade o…

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February 21, 2017

Skin Aging…. Inevitability or Preventable?

Skin Aging…. Inevitability or Preventable? Dear Friends, Spring is in the air, the sun is shining, and the birds are chirping in the morning again! Time to visit our skin, the body’s larg…

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July 11, 2016

Maintaining Healthy Skin

Climate control indoors Humidifiers to keep air moist Limit static electricity – moisturized skin will minimize static shock; walk on carpet without shoes to minimize friction Use appropriate m…

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December 31, 2015

Human-Identical Hormones for the Skin

ESTROGENS (ESTRADIOL AND ESTRIOL) Estrogen’s skin-enhancing effects are well known. It stimulates collagen production and a moisture factor known as hyaluronic acid. Aging decreases both estroge…

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November 2, 2015

Detox for Your Skin!

Check out this article we found by Katherine Ponder from Beautiful You magazine on detoxing to help your skin. You've heard about the detoxes for your body, but what about for your skin? Detoxing cent…

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August 17, 2015

Anti-Aging Tips to Turn Back the Clock

How much do you know about skin? Do you know that the skin is our largest organ? It is, both in weight (between six and nine pounds) and surface area (about two square yards). The skin protects you fr…

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July 17, 2015

How to Sun-Proof & Age-Proof Your Skin

Take a look at this article we found by Andrea Krushinski in Distinction magazine about protecting your skin from sun exposure and also aging skin. The weather we have been waiting for is finally here…

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June 15, 2015

Aging Skin - The Top 11 Contributors

Check out this article we found from World Health.net by Jeff Behar on factors that accelerate aging skin titled, "Top 11 Diet, Exercise and Lifestyle Mistakes that Accelerate Aging". Obviously there…

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February 4, 2015

Revitalize Aging Skin with Topical Vitamin C

Overexposure to ultraviolet radiation and environmental pollutants can accelerate skin aging by degrading collagen and triggering oxidative stress in the skin. Fortunately, the anti-aging benefits of…

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July 14, 2014

Climbing the Ladder to Clear Skin

My name is Megan and at 22 years old I am still struggling with acne. Since I hit puberty no matter what I seemed to try, my skin never got better. My dermatologist put me on every treatment you can p…

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June 23, 2014

Official Press Release for New Skin Care Line

Pittsburgh-based LabNaturals, founded by Susan Merenstein, pharmacist and owner of Murray Avenue Apothecary, is officially announcing the release of its new, affordable, refreshed product line, just i…

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June 23, 2014

The Ten Best Foods for Your Skin

Here is what we found from a recent Eat This, Not That! article about the 10 best foods for your skin. You may be surprised at what you read! 10. Almonds: Skin Boost: Sun Blocker Almonds are stuffed w…

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June 23, 2014

Toxic Ingredients in Your Beauty Products

WOMEN UNKNOWINGLY PILE ON TOXINS FROM HEAD TO TOE IN THEIR DAILY SKIN CARE ROUTINES! Unburden your body by getting rid of toxic ingredients . . . TRY LabNaturals TODAY! Your skin will thank you! Below…

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June 23, 2014

Wake Up Your Skin with Vitamin C Serum!

Vitamin C was recently mentioned as a great skin care supplement on the Dr. Oz show… Our LabNaturals Vitamin C 20% Skin Serum contains Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, which provides excellent anti…

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